Blue Marstxt,chm,pdf,epub,mobi下载 作者:Kim Stanley Robinson 出版社: Spectra 出版年: 1997-6-2 页数: 784 定价: USD 8.99 装帧: Mass Market Paperback ISBN: 9780553573350
内容简介 · · · · · ·The red planet is red no longer, as Mars has become a perfectly inhabitable world. But while Mars flourishes, Earth isthreatened by overpopulation and ecological disaster. Soon people look to Mars as a refuge, initiating a possible interplanetary conflict, as well as political strife between the Reds, who wish to preserve the planet in its desert state, and the Green "terraform...
The red planet is red no longer, as Mars has become a perfectly inhabitable world. But while Mars flourishes, Earth isthreatened by overpopulation and ecological disaster. Soon people look to Mars as a refuge, initiating a possible interplanetary conflict, as well as political strife between the Reds, who wish to preserve the planet in its desert state, and the Green "terraformers".The ultimate fate of Earth, as well as the possibility of new explorations into the solar system, stand in the balance. 西元2128年,火星解放了。他们推翻了地球的统治,避开了一触即发的内战,创立了全新的宪法与政府,名副其实的自由火星诞生了。在行政议会与全球环保法庭的治理下,火星展开一连串的建设,红火星已成往事,如今,这颗星球一片生机盎然的绿意,甚至出现了蔚蓝的海水与天空,一个完美的乌托邦。 然而,与此同时,地球经历了洪水肆虐,文艺复兴,以及随之而来的人口爆炸。移民、移民、再移民,从地球、到火星、到整个太阳系。人口问题使地球与火星之间弥漫著一股紧张、危险的气氛,在这个超快速的黄金时代,人们不安地等待著崩溃的巨响……