Body art meets popular science in this elegant, mind-blowing collection, written by renowned science writer Carl Zimmer. This fascinating book showcases hundreds of eye-catching tattoos that pay tribute to various scientific disciplines, from evolutionary biology and neuroscience to mathematics and astrophysics and reveals the stories of the individuals who chose to inscribe th...
Body art meets popular science in this elegant, mind-blowing collection, written by renowned science writer Carl Zimmer. This fascinating book showcases hundreds of eye-catching tattoos that pay tribute to various scientific disciplines, from evolutionary biology and neuroscience to mathematics and astrophysics and reveals the stories of the individuals who chose to inscribe their obsessions in their skin. Best of all, each tattoo provides a leaping-off point for bestselling essayist and lecturer Zimmer to reflect on the science in question, whether it's the importance of an image of Darwin's finches or the significance of the uranium atom inked into the chest of a young radiologist.
作者简介 · · · · · ·
Carl Zimmer is a journalist and lecturer on science writing at Yale University. His numerous critically praised books include Parasite Rex, which The L.A. Times called "capable of changing how we see the world"; and Microcosm, which The Boston Globe called, "superb...quietly revolutionary." He writes for countless publications, including The New York Times and Scientific Americ...
Carl Zimmer is a journalist and lecturer on science writing at Yale University. His numerous critically praised books include Parasite Rex, which The L.A. Times called "capable of changing how we see the world"; and Microcosm, which The Boston Globe called, "superb...quietly revolutionary." He writes for countless publications, including The New York Times and Scientific American and regularly appears on radio and on TV.