Algorithms will soon know more about us than we know ourselves
Where should machine automation end? Is it acceptable to have a digital assistant arrange your calendar, but not to have a robot spouse? Are companion robots acceptable for seniors in need of comfort, but not okay for toddlers exposed to emotional software that could influence their behavior? Is it desirable to live a life within the virtual reality of Facebook’s Oculus Rift, but not if your thoughts are sold to advertisers who manipulate your purchases?
We’ve entered an era where a myriad of personalization algorithms influence our every decision, and the lines between human assistance, automation, and extinction have blurred. We need to create ethical standards for the Artificial Intelligence usurping our lives, and allow individuals to control their identity based on their values. Otherwise, we sacrifice our humanity for productivity versus purpose and for profits versus people.
Featuring pragmatic solutions drawing on economics, emerging technologies, and positive psychology, Heartificial Intelligence provides the first values-driven approach to algorithmic living—a definitive roadmap to help humanity embrace the present and positively define their future. Each chapter opens with a fictional vignette, helping readers imagine how they would respond to various Artificial Intelligence scenarios while demonstrating the need to codify their values, as the algorithms dominating society today are already doing.
Funny, poignant, and accessible, this book paints a vivid portrait of how our lives might look in either a dystopia of robotic and corporate dominance, or a utopia where humans use technology to enhance our natural abilities to evolve into a long-lived, super-intelligent, and altruistic species.
约翰•黑文斯(John C. Havens),TEDx演讲者,科技博客Mashable、《卫报》、《赫芬顿邮报》特约撰稿人。黑文斯也是非盈利机构H(app)athon Project的创始人,该机构的宗旨是通过科技手段帮助人们量化幸福,提升生活价值而非财富。他曾担任全球前10的公关公司执行副总裁,为吉列、惠普及默克提供技术及社会化媒体方面的咨询服务,他在科技、商业及生活质量方面的论述被《今日美国》《快公司杂志》《福布斯》BBC等媒体引用。著有《入侵未来》一书。
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