The Experience Economytxt,chm,pdf,epub,mobi下载 作者:B. Joseph Pine II/James H. Gilmore 出版社: Harvard Business School Press 副标题: Work Is Theater & Every Business a Stage 出版年: 1999-4-1 页数: 272 定价: USD 32.95 装帧: Hardcover ISBN: 9780875848198
内容简介 · · · · · ·
You are what you charge for. And if you're competing solely on the basis of price, then you've been commoditized, offering little or no true differentiation. What would your customers really value? Better yet, for what would they pay a premium? Experiences. The curtain is about to rise, say Pine & Gilmore, on the Experience Economy, a new economic era in which ev...
You are what you charge for. And if you're competing solely on the basis of price, then you've been commoditized, offering little or no true differentiation. What would your customers really value? Better yet, for what would they pay a premium? Experiences. The curtain is about to rise, say Pine & Gilmore, on the Experience Economy, a new economic era in which every business is a stage, and companies must design memorable events for which they charge admission. With The Experience Economy, Pine & Gilmore explore how successful companies-using goods as props and services as the stage-create experiences that engage customers in an inherently personal way. Why does a cup of coffee cost more at a trendy cafe than it does at the corner diner or when brewed at home? It's the value that the experience holds for the individual that determines the worth of the offering and the work of the business. From online communities to airport parking, the authors draw from a rich and varied mix of examples that showcase businesses in the midst of creating engaging experiences for both consumers and corporate customers. The Experience Economy marks the debut of an insightful, highly original, and yet eminently practical approach for companies to script and stage compelling experiences. In doing so, all workers become actors, intentionally creating specific effects for their customers. And it's the experiences they stage that create memorable-and lasting-impressions that ultimately create transformations within individuals. Make no mistake, say Pine & Gilmore: goods and services are no longer enough. Experiences are the foundation for future economic growth, and The Experience Economy is the playbook from which managers can begin to direct new performances.
作者简介 · · · · · ·
約瑟夫.派恩(B. Joseph Pine II)& 詹姆斯.吉爾摩(James H. Gilmore)兩位作者共同創立位於俄亥俄州奧羅拉(Aurora)的策略地平線公司(Strategic Horizons LLP),該公司協助企業提升產品與服務的價值,掌握「體驗經濟」的本質——展示體驗、引導轉型、或是大量客製化。他們合著了許多關於企業策略和創新的文章,發表於《哈佛商業評論》、《華爾街日報》、《策略與領導》等刊物。
約瑟夫.派恩(B. Joseph Pine II)賓州州立大學高階經理教育專案負責人,也是加州大學洛杉磯分校安德森管理學院的高階經理教育專案教授、IBM高級商學院(Advanced Business Institute)兼任教授,並時常擔任MIT史隆管理學院客座教授。在創辦策略地平線公司前,曾在IBM擔任多職,並對IBM明尼蘇達州羅徹斯...
約瑟夫.派恩(B. Joseph Pine II)& 詹姆斯.吉爾摩(James H. Gilmore)兩位作者共同創立位於俄亥俄州奧羅拉(Aurora)的策略地平線公司(Strategic Horizons LLP),該公司協助企業提升產品與服務的價值,掌握「體驗經濟」的本質——展示體驗、引導轉型、或是大量客製化。他們合著了許多關於企業策略和創新的文章,發表於《哈佛商業評論》、《華爾街日報》、《策略與領導》等刊物。
約瑟夫.派恩(B. Joseph Pine II)賓州州立大學高階經理教育專案負責人,也是加州大學洛杉磯分校安德森管理學院的高階經理教育專案教授、IBM高級商學院(Advanced Business Institute)兼任教授,並時常擔任MIT史隆管理學院客座教授。在創辦策略地平線公司前,曾在IBM擔任多職,並對IBM明尼蘇達州羅徹斯特分公司獲得「美國國家品質獎」有所貢獻。派恩畢業於MIT史隆管理學院,著有得獎之作《大量客製化》(Mass Customization)。
詹姆斯.吉爾摩(James H. Gilmore)最初任職於寶鹼,後於克利夫蘭顧問公司和電腦科學顧問公司(Computer Sciences Corporation)執業超過十年,並帶領後者推行流程創新計畫。吉爾摩是狄波諾(Edward de Bono)水平思考法的認證講師,也是「創意教育基金會」、「美國創意思考協會」的成員。他也是美國商務部組織管理學院的一員,並鼓勵營利或非營利組織進行創新思考。他畢業於賓州大學華頓商學院。