Three baby owls, Sarah, Percy and Bill, wake up one night in their hole in a tree to find that their mother has gone. So they sit on a branch and wait. Darkness gathers and the owls grow anxious, wondering when their mother will return. But, at last, she does, and they bounce up and down with joy, welcoming her home. Martin Waddell has won The Smarties Book Prize for "Can't You...
Three baby owls, Sarah, Percy and Bill, wake up one night in their hole in a tree to find that their mother has gone. So they sit on a branch and wait. Darkness gathers and the owls grow anxious, wondering when their mother will return. But, at last, she does, and they bounce up and down with joy, welcoming her home. Martin Waddell has won The Smarties Book Prize for "Can't You Sleep Little Bear?" in 1988. "Farmer Duck" was shortlisted for the Emil/Kurt Maschler Award in 1991, as was "The Hidden House" in 1990, having won the award in 1989 for "A Park in the Dark". "Rosies Babies" won the Best Book for Babies Award in 1990, and was also shortlisted for the 1991 Kate Greenaway Medal. Other titles include "The Tough Princess", "Let's Go Home", "Little Bear", "Amy Said", "Once There Were Giants", "We Love Them", "The Happy Hedgehog Band", "Squeak-A-Lot", "The Toymaker", "The Pig in the Pond" and "Sailor Bear".
作者简介 · · · · · ·
马丁.韦德尔(Martin Waddell),1941年出生于北爱尔兰的贝尔费斯特,是知名爱尔兰作家,作品曾多次获得英国史马提斯奖(The Smarties Book Prize)、凯特格林威大奖(The Kate Greenaway Medal)、鹅妈妈大奖等国际知名奖项。
2004 年获得“国际安徒生文学大奖(Hans Christian Andersen Award for writing)”,这个终身成就奖肯定了韦德尔对儿童文学的贡献。韦德尔的作品目前已累积超过一百本,代表作有《小猫头鹰》(Owl Babies)、《你睡不着吗?》(Can’t You Sleep, Little Bear?)等经典著作。评审给他的赞辞是:这位富有创造力的作者,有出众的理解力,作品深具同情和温暖。他以质朴、天真无邪的小孩子的同理心的和...
马丁.韦德尔(Martin Waddell),1941年出生于北爱尔兰的贝尔费斯特,是知名爱尔兰作家,作品曾多次获得英国史马提斯奖(The Smarties Book Prize)、凯特格林威大奖(The Kate Greenaway Medal)、鹅妈妈大奖等国际知名奖项。
2004 年获得“国际安徒生文学大奖(Hans Christian Andersen Award for writing)”,这个终身成就奖肯定了韦德尔对儿童文学的贡献。韦德尔的作品目前已累积超过一百本,代表作有《小猫头鹰》(Owl Babies)、《你睡不着吗?》(Can’t You Sleep, Little Bear?)等经典著作。评审给他的赞辞是:这位富有创造力的作者,有出众的理解力,作品深具同情和温暖。他以质朴、天真无邪的小孩子的同理心的和尊重的态度为儿童写作。
韦德尔的作品特色在孩子的情绪和互动反应上尤其能呈现,微小却饱满的情感有着男性作者少见的母性细腻。而大人与小孩关系的处理也成为他作品的一个特色,除了大、小熊系列之外,还有《小猫头鹰》里大小猫头鹰的亲子关系,及Roise's Babies、《月光》(A Kitten Called Moonlight)、《大海》(Big Big Sea)里母女之间的对话等等。