Gabriel's father, a washed-up rock musician, has been chucked out of the house by Gabriel's mother, who works nights and sleeps days. Lonely Gabriel finds solace in a mysterious connection to his deceased twin, Archie, and in his gift for producing real objects simply by drawing them. Then a chance visit with rock star Lester Jones, his father's former band mate, provides Gabri...
Gabriel's father, a washed-up rock musician, has been chucked out of the house by Gabriel's mother, who works nights and sleeps days. Lonely Gabriel finds solace in a mysterious connection to his deceased twin, Archie, and in his gift for producing real objects simply by drawing them. Then a chance visit with rock star Lester Jones, his father's former band mate, provides Gabriel with a tool that might help mend his family. All he has to do is figure out how to use it. Hanif Kureishi portrays Gabriel's naive hope and artistic aspirations with the same insight that he brought to the Anglo-Indian experience in The Buddha of Suburbia and to infidelity in Intimacy. Gabriel's Gift is a tender meditation on failure, talent, and the power of imagination, and offers a humorous portrait of a generation that only started to think about growing up when its children did.
作者简介 · · · · · ·
哈尼夫·库雷西(Hanif Kureishi) 巴基斯坦移民后裔,1954年出生于英国肯特郡,大学主修哲学。他多才多艺,作品包括舞台剧本、小说、广播剧及电视电影剧本等,亦为电影导演。是继萨尔曼·拉什迪之后在世界文坛成就重大影响的亚裔作家 1985年创作电影剧本《我美丽的洗衣店》(MyBeautifulLaundrette),获1986年奥斯卡金像奖最佳电影剧本提名;1991年执导电影《伦敦杀了我》(London Kills Me)。在2004年上海国际电影节上,展影了其编剧的影片《母亲》。 1990年以首部小说《郊区佛爷》(TheBuddhaofSuburbia)获Whitebread文学奖。其后陆续推出小说《黑色唱片》(The Black Album,1995)、《爱在蓝色时代》(Lovein aBlueTime,1997)、《亲密》(Intima...
哈尼夫·库雷西(Hanif Kureishi) 巴基斯坦移民后裔,1954年出生于英国肯特郡,大学主修哲学。他多才多艺,作品包括舞台剧本、小说、广播剧及电视电影剧本等,亦为电影导演。是继萨尔曼·拉什迪之后在世界文坛成就重大影响的亚裔作家 1985年创作电影剧本《我美丽的洗衣店》(MyBeautifulLaundrette),获1986年奥斯卡金像奖最佳电影剧本提名;1991年执导电影《伦敦杀了我》(London Kills Me)。在2004年上海国际电影节上,展影了其编剧的影片《母亲》。 1990年以首部小说《郊区佛爷》(TheBuddhaofSuburbia)获Whitebread文学奖。其后陆续推出小说《黑色唱片》(The Black Album,1995)、《爱在蓝色时代》(Lovein aBlueTime,1997)、《亲密》(Intimacy,1997),《整日午夜》(Midnight All Day,1999)、《加百列的礼物》(Gabriel’SGift,2001),迅速跃升为欧洲文坛新巨星。根据其小说改编的电影《亲密》获2001年柏林电影节金熊奖。他的最新长篇小说为2004年出版的《身体》(The Body)。 库雷西深受流行文化的影响。早期作品中的幽默反讽享誉世界,近作对情欲与两性冲突的探讨充满了动人的深情。库雷西以其幽默、脱俗,前卫被认作是当今世界文坛最富魅力的杰出作家之一。