In the town of Bacherotto, remarkable forces of faith, sex, and hunger are driving the inhabitants into uncontrollable frenzies of bizarre and unexplained behaviors. The baker Gianni Terremoto begins to knead his rolls and sourdough breads in the form of his lover's breasts. His lusty daughter, Francesca, is about to become enshrined as the new local saint. His girlfriend Lui...
In the town of Bacherotto, remarkable forces of faith, sex, and hunger are driving the inhabitants into uncontrollable frenzies of bizarre and unexplained behaviors. The baker Gianni Terremoto begins to knead his rolls and sourdough breads in the form of his lover's breasts. His lusty daughter, Francesca, is about to become enshrined as the new local saint. His girlfriend Luigi Bacheretti is intent on photographing God. The local priest is convinced that the Virgin Mary has appeared to him, demanding that his congregation renounce the flesh -- an imperative that comes shortly after two amputees stage a popular ballet recital that celebrates the leg.
These extraordinary events occur in the year when Good Friday and April Fool's Day coincide. Gainni, born on April Fool's Day Day, decides to bake a hot cross bun surpassing any that has ever been. The results -- hilarious, surprising, rejuvenating -- are beyond any that he and the townsfolk could have expected.
A brilliant story of what happens when Easter and Carnival collide and when the community becomes controlled by its libido, The Breadmaker's Carnival defies both the sacred and profane.